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Mount Pleasant Artists Guild NewsletterMay 2023  President's LetterGreetings fellow Artists,


Mount Pleasant Artists Guild Newsletter

May 2023

President's Letter

Greetings fellow Artists,

Whew! This year has flown by.

Please join us May 8 for the final meeting of the year. Our guest artist is Daniel Strickland. We will reconvene in September.

It's been so exciting getting to know most of you, and I look forward to next year.

Please e-mail me with any questions, concerns or ideas. This is your guild. All suggestions appreciated.

Thank you to all who have volunteered this year.

Warm regards,

Robin Beckner

President MPAG

(843) 270-7471

Meeting: May 8

Meet and Greet: 6:30-7:00 pm

Meeting: 7:00 pm

All Saints Lutheran Church

2107 Highway 17 N (next to Holiday Inn Express)

Perspective Gallery News

The Gallery is getting ready for changeout, and we are excited as we have two new artists joining in May.

Anne DuMont is a local watercolorist, and Rachel Fischer is a local oil painter. The gallery is getting busier with spring finally here. We are having some great sales.

Kat Goldberg was our Artist of the Month for April. She had her reception on Saturday the 29th. Please stop by and see her great fun art work! She works really hard and is also very active with her family.

I have recruited Daniel Strickland to be our last Guest artist for the May Guild meeting. He is a crazy fast awesome painter and very entertaining as well! You will all enjoy his performance!

See you soon!

DeeDee Conant

and the Steering Committee

Blessing of the Fleet

Winners of awards at the Blessing of the Fleet show will be announced in a separate mailing.

MPAG Meeting April Minutes

Robin Beckner called meeting to order at 7:05 pm.

Minutes from March meeting were approved. She announced as we have one more meeting left for this guild year, there are some spots to fill on the board and chair positions. We need a treasurer and a scholarship chair. Please contact Robin Beckner for more information 843-270-7471.

Robin reminded everyone to check in with the town of Mt Pleasant for opportunities for artists to show your work around the community.

DeeDee Conant, Vice President, reminded everyone that the website for the MPAG and Perspective Gallery are now all under one. She also read the Guild and Gallery Mission Statement to members.

If you go to, this opens as the gallery front page...look to the top right of screen and click on MPAG and this opens up the Guild side website. News and updates posted by Betsy McDonald, who is our current webmaster for both websites.

Ginny Versteegen announced she is heading up a Plein Air group to meet and paint this spring. Please contact her if interested...


Robin introduced Carol Wellein, Scholarship chair, to announce the 2023 scholarship winner.

Julia Zimmerman is the scholarship winner for the $6,000.00 to use towards school. She will be attending SCAD, Savannah College of Art and Design. Julia is currently enrolled at School of the Arts in North Charleston. Her father/family has been her art inspiration for her desire to continue to grow in the arts. All of her work reflects her family and life growing up. She has used many media--oil, acrylic, ink and pastel. She will major in architecture. She was accepted into 4 colleges.

Lucy Richmond, Membership chair, announced Valerie (Val) Harvey will be the new Membership chair for the 2023/2024 guild year.

Thank you, Val!

The guild membership is currently150 members.

Meeting adjourned at 7:45 pm

Minutes prepared by DeeDee Conant, Vice President

Scholarship Winners

Julia Zimmerman is our scholarship winner for 2023-24. Julia, a senior at SOA, was accepted to several renowned art colleges, Clemson University, and UNC. She has decided to attend the Savanah School of Art and Design. The SOA art thesis show will present Julia’s incredible art on May 24th.

Another MPAG scholarship winner from 2019, Daniel Jacobs, has his amazing drawing and print on display at the College of Charleston Halsey Gallery. We are so proud of these two talented artists and wish them the very best.

Carol Wellein

Scholarship Chair

Julia Zimmerman

Daniel Jacobs

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